Sunday, August 21, 2011

Making Butter

Who knew that making butter would have so many spins to it? I just discovered cultured butter. Who knew there was such a thing? Not me! Here's the article:

My raw cow milk (for pet food consumption only) has been in the fridge, undisturbed for a day so I can see the separation of the cream. I used a baster to suck up the cream and put it in a clean quart jar with the lid on tight. This gets left out on the counter to warm up to room temperature overnight. Then after breakfast I will sip on my coffee and shake the jar.

After 10-15 minutes of jar shaking, butter chunks are floating in the jar. Take a large spoon and gather the butter which is floating at the top of the jar. I just took the spoon and press the butter into my hand to remove more of the liquid and butter is made. Take the leftover liquid, which is butter milk, and use in bread, oatmeal, or other baking projects. Or drink it yourself or give it to your dog or cat. My dogs really, really like the leftover buttermilk.

Don't have access to raw milk? Just use heavy whipping cream, or look in your local health food store for un-homogenized milk.

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