Saturday, May 23, 2009

Activity at Last!

Finally, we have some house activity to report! The outside guys were here early this morning...the first one at 0640, yes, that's in the morning. I was expecting 7am but wow, are they ready to work. They were able to work until about 1030 when the rains came down. By 11 they were sodden and left for the day. They left everything as it stood when the rain started.

Meanwhile, the carpet / tile guys were working inside the house.

Here's the front foyer sporting its new dark grout. The pups and I now have to watch our feet, that we have clean feet or shoes before going into the house. That does take some of the fun out of it.

From the week of rain, there is so much standing water all over the yard. A lot of grass was destroyed with the heavy equipment so what was just wet is now muddy too. I have some lovely and fashionable white rubber boots for just such occasions. I make a very fetching picture in them if I do say so myself. I will get Gary to capture a photo of my "homey" outfit. It really does defy belief. It amazes me how far I have come or am willing to go that looks don't matter as much as the functionality of the objects. Anyway, this is the front yard.

Speaking of dogs....this is Suzie "initiating" the new carpet and putting her scent on it. She had so much fun doing this in every room. If only my camera had video you could hear her snorting and huffing and carrying on. Jesse and Suzie spent some time running and chasing each other all through the house. They also did some of the plumbing today.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Still Raining

It is still raining intermittently and really windy. Gary has been doing some things in the house. I've been working and ...working. We did spend some time this evening in the house doing little things. Gary reversed the doors on the fridge. I wiped off and out all of the kitchen cabinets.
No workers have been out here since Monday so the actual progress is stalled! Plus, we have more rain in the forecast for the next 2 days.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Noreaster Blows In

House happenings for this past weekend, ZERO. Gary and I did a lot of shopping. Picked out some ceiling fans, bathroom rugs, and various other house items. Today is a different story. The electrician was here and the trenches were dug for the underground electric wire. He had to wire the AC unit and the water pump and attach the meter to the house. A new crew of guys came in today to do the siding. They came in from Atlanta.

Here is the finished kitchen - living room area that you have seen in the previous pictures.
It's been raining and windy most of the day today. We had to "walk the house" checking for leaks and any wetness that may be noticeable.