Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas in Savannah

Gary and I spent a nice and relaxing Christmas in Savannah this year. Lot's of napping, plus I had long walks with the pups. We were able to go for several days thanks to the hospitality of my niece (Thanks Aim!) and she let our pups come along. That makes staying longer so much easier on us. Getting someone to watch them is no easy task.

Here are several photos from my photo safari in the historic area. If you are going to Savannah and interested in photography at all, if it's wanting to take better pictures with your point and shoot digital camera or you are a photo enthusiast, check out this web site: Savannah Photo Outings. This is my second outing with Frank, I highly recommend him if you are in the area. He is a good teacher and very knowledgable. He knows the city and took our group to some good photo spots and helped us "get the shot". More photos to come as I sort through them.

Here's the fireplace all decked out for Santa's visit. This Christmas it was all about the kids! They got lots of toys and had a lot of fun opening them each of them. All in all I am glad that Christmas is done, and the New Year is upon us. Happy New Year!!

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Here's a reflection photo of my wonderful husband. As the year 2008 closes out, take some time and reflect on the happenings of the year. It's been a good year at our house! We are very blessed that we're all healthy, I have a great job, my mom's cancer is in remission, my animals are fun and thankfully getting older (that means calmer, somewhat)...I have so much to be thankful for. How about you? When is the last time that you took inventory of your blessings? It's easy to focus on the negative, it takes looking on the positive to make you realize how good we Americans have it. So take some time and enjoy your family and close friends and tell them how much you love and appreciate them.