Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hood Ornaments

Here's some really cool shots from the vintage cars at the Train festival in Green Cove this last weekend. I'm very intrigued by the whiskey jug holder thingy?? Wouldn't that get the jug really dusty? Or is that just for when you're parked and hanging out? Who knows these kinds of things? The eagle and bird (Gary says it's a sparrow, looks like a duck to me) are sharp.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Old Jail

Imagine this saying being in a modern jail?!! It should be, but no way would that happen. They had the old jail open for touring...not a place you would want to be. Very cold, dank and depressing. This was on the inside of a cell over the door. The cots they slept on were metal bed frame attached to the wall from a chain. The mattress was laid over the metal frame. Not the most comfy.
The old police car is really nice. The thing was huge, but then old cars were that way. There are several reflections on the fender, myself, plus a modern police car. Interesting!

Train Festival

Saturday, the family all went to Green Cove for the Train Festival. They had the old museum open, food, vintage cars, and numerous exhibits. Here's Dave checking out the train station. Green Cove was a thriving tourist town with an emphasis on the sulphur springs and their health properties. During World War II, we had a large naval base here and a lot of ships.
The weather was gorgeous, and people were very talkative. The vintage cars were really neat to look at, I'll be posting some pictures from them this week. I was very intrigued by the radiator caps they had, everyone was different and they were small works of art! Gives a personal touch to the car.